
Cecelia Condit: Early and Recent Works

Screen Slate
Thursday, May 21, 2020
8:00 pm EST


Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI) is pleased to partner with Screen Slate to present a career-spanning screening and live Q&A with artist Cecelia Condit.

Cecelia Condit (born 1947, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) is an American artist working in video and photography. Since 1981, Condit produces films that swing between beauty and the grotesque, innocence and cruelty. In the psychological landscape of contemporary fairy tales, Condit’s videos put a subversive spin on the traditional mythology of women in film and the psychology of sexuality and violence. Exploring the dark side of female subjectivity, her “feminist fairy tales” focus on friendships, violence, age, and childhood.

Possibly in Michigan (1983, 12 min)
Beneath the Skin (1981, 12 min)
Not a Jealous Bone (1987, 10 min)
We Were Hardly More Than Children Pulling Up Roots (2015, 8 min)
I've Been Afraid (2020, 7 min)

After the screening, Condit will join for a live Q&A moderated by EAI Technical Director and Screen Slate editor Jon Dieringer. More info here.