The critically acclaimed collaboration for the screen by choreographer Merce Cunningham, composer John Cage and filmmaker Elliot Caplan features the BBC documentary, with interviews with Cunningham, Cage and members of the company, as well as scenes from rehearsals in New York and London. This takes the viewer through the complexities and exhilaration of bringing a new dance to television. The second half features the finished dance, Points in Space, performed by Merce Cunningham and his dance company. -- Merce Cunningham Trust.
Choreography: Merce Cunningham. Music: John Cage - Voiceless Essay. Set Design: Bill Anastasi. Costume Design: Dove Bradshaw. Merce Cunningham Dance Company Dancers: Helen Barrow, Merce Cunningham, Victoria Finlayson, Alan Good, Catherine Kerr, Chris Komar, David Kulick, Patricia Lent, Karen Radford, Rob Remley, Kristy Santimyer, Kevin Schroder, Robert Swinston, Megan Walker, Susan Quinn Young. A BBC Television Production in association with The Cunningham Dance Foundation, Inc. For The Cunningham Dance Foundation, Inc. Art Becofsky, Executive Producer. Michael Bloom, Producer. Lesley Alderman, Production Co-ordinator. Andrew Culver, Assistant to Composer. Marc Farre, Company Manager. Gary Mintz, Production Supervisor. Suzanne Gallo, Costume Fabrication. Nicole Werner, Floor Assistant. Administration: Skip Barnes, Shirley Henderson, Michael Meagher, Elaine DeBuhr, Martha Lohmeyer, Jilana Van Meter, David Vaughan. Voiceless Essay was realized at the Center for Computer Music of Brooklyn College of the City University of New York, with the assistance of Kenneth Worthy, Frances White and Victor Friedberg, and at Synesthetics Inc., with the assistance of Paul Zinman. The Cunningham Dance Foundation wishes to thank: The Friends of Merce Cunningham, The Lookout Fund, The National Endowment for the Arts. For BBC Television Assistant Floor Manager: Charles Garland. Floor Manager: Carmella Milne. Film Camera: Ian Kennedy. Film Sound: Chris King. Film Editor: Guy Crossman. Make-up: Cecile Hay-Arthur. Production Assistant: Christina Hamilton. Technical Co-ordinator: Reg Poulter. Camera Supervisor: Ron Green. Graphic Designer: Rosalind Dallas. Sound Supervisor: Brendan Shore. Videotape Editor: Dennis Collett. Lighting Director: Ron Bristow. Designer: Eric Walmsley. Executive Producer: Colin Nears. Producer: Bob Lockyer. Directors: Elliot Caplan, Merce Cunningham. ©BBC MCMLXXXVI